85 lines
3.3 KiB
85 lines
3.3 KiB
"""Main script to toot a new post"""
from os import getenv, remove
from os.path import getsize
import praw
import wget
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from mastodon import Mastodon
from redvid import Downloader
# ----- load .env ----- #
# ----- initialization ----- #
# initialize reddit
reddit = praw.Reddit(
client_id = getenv("REDDIT_CLIENT_ID"),
client_secret = getenv("REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET"),
redirect_uri = "http://localhost:8080", # does not matter what is here
user_agent = getenv("REDDIT_USER_AGENT")
# initialize mastodon
mastodon = Mastodon(
access_token = getenv("MASTODON_USER_SECRET"),
api_base_url = getenv("MASTODON_URL")
# ----- main script ----- #
# get recent posts to check for duplicates
last_posts = mastodon.account_statuses(getenv("MASTODON_USER_ID"), limit=15)
for submission in reddit.subreddit(str(getenv("REDDIT_SUBREDDIT"))).top(time_filter="day", limit=10):
# skip post if it is a stickied post
if (submission.stickied):
# check if the post has been posted before
already_posted = False
for posted_submission in last_posts:
if submission.permalink in posted_submission["content"]:
already_posted = True
# abort download if the post has been posted already
if already_posted:
print("Skipping post: https://www.reddit.com" + submission.permalink)
# check if text only
if submission.is_self:
status_text = submission.title + "\n\ngeposted von u/" + submission.author.name + "\n" + submission.permalink + "\n\n" + submission.selftext
mastodon.status_post(status_text, visibility="unlisted")
# check if reddit video
elif "v.redd.it" in submission.url:
print("Downloading video post: https://www.reddit.com" + submission.permalink)
downloader = Downloader(url="https://www.reddit.com"+submission.permalink, filename="video.mp4", max_q=True)
print("\nUploading video")
# check if video file is small enough for the server (10MB)
if getsize(filename) < 10_000_000:
media = mastodon.media_post(filename)
status_text = submission.title + "\n\ngeposted von u/" + submission.author.name + "\nhttps://www.reddit.com" + submission.permalink
mastodon.status_post(status_text, media_ids=media["id"], visibility="unlisted")
status_text = submission.title + "\n\nDas gepostete Video ist leider zu lang für diesen Server. Das Video bzw. der Post kann über den untenstehenden Link aufgerufen werden. " + "\n\ngeposted von u/" + submission.author.name + "\nhttps://www.reddit.com" + submission.permalink
mastodon.status_post(status_text, visibility="unlisted")
print("Downloading image post: https://www.reddit.com" + submission.permalink)
filename = wget.download(submission.url, out="image." + submission.url.split(".")[-1])
print("\nUploading image")
media = mastodon.media_post(filename)
status_text = submission.title + "\n\ngeposted von u/" + submission.author.name + "\nhttps://www.reddit.com" + submission.permalink
mastodon.status_post(status_text, media_ids=media["id"], visibility="unlisted")